
“To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease.” A.T. Still - Founder of osteopathy.

Osteopathy was discovered by Dr A.T. Still in 1855. He was a pioneer, medical doctor, inventor, mechanic, and philosopher. Disillusioned with the state of medicine at the time, he searched for a new method of diagnosing and treating disease.

His discovery of osteopathy eventually led to a small school (1874), which then grew to a university and hospital in his small town of Kirksville Missouri, USA, and on to an internationally recognised science, with osteopaths and osteopathic schools all over the world.

Osteopathy sees the body as a complete machine, that has been endowed with all it needs to survive and be healthy.

Traditionally, osteopathy has been used to treat a wide array of conditions. When disease or pain is present it is an indication that some of the body’s machinery (i.e. bones, muscles, organs, nerves, arteries etc) isn’t working properly, and it is the role of the osteopath to find and treat the cause of this abnormal function.

The cause, is often not found where the symptoms are, but will be anatomically and physiologically connected.

It is reading and deciphering the works of A.T. Still that gives Tim the most inspiration to continue learning and improving his osteopathic understanding and skills.